Barbara Kaugerts |
42 First Street Pequannock, NJ 07440
Maiden Name:
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Spouse's Name:
Special Interests:
Pre-Columbian history, the coast of Maine, science fiction
Highlights Since 1962:
I got a degree in biology/chemistry from Elmira College in 1966. Went on to work at Columbia University of Physicians and Surgeons. I worked with Dr John Laragh, the man who discovered primary hypertension, doing kidney transplants in rats! In 1968 moved on to Hoffmann La-Roche in Nutley testing new drug products. I met and married Dr Juris Kaugerts and we started a life of the academic migrants. Juris is in low temperature physics, and nothing else. We went from Stevens in Hoboken to Berkeley, then on to Princeton. We had 2 boys, Eric and Peter, by then. Next stop Brookhaven National Labs on Eastern Long Island (my favorite place outside of Maine) and lived right on the North Shore beach � okay, 227 steps above the beach. We stayed on LI 7 years and then back to NJ. Living in West Milford was great for our motorcycle and kayaking lifestyle. We also added a daughter, Liz. When Juris told me we were headed to Texas to build a superconducting supercollider, I told him to enjoy Texas. (The SSC never made it.) I went back to work for Nabisco as a food chemist, and picked up a degree in CIS, because I was determined to make computers work for chemists. After 9 years at Nabisco, I went back to Roche as a quality management chemist. Finally got to use my programming skills by helping Roche get all information systems on one computer package, ATLAS. Since 1999, I have been fighting an extremely rare cancer, Bartholin�s, which metastasized into my lungs. I am definitely going to keep fighting � new targeted drugs are in the pipeline. Hope to see you all at the 50th!
I remember lots of little kids carrying trumpet cases and book bags in the halls. I remember blue legs on the twirling kick line at football games. I remember Biology II (AP) and Biggie the berri � berri guinea pig. Most of all I remember the fun and friends.