Jane Eyre DeMado

Address: PO Box 1006
Washington, CT 06793
Maiden Name: Meyer
Phone: 860-868-0010
Alt Phone:
Email: info@demado-seminars.com
Spouse's Name: John
Children: 4 (1 deceased)
Grandchildren: 1
Occupation: Personal Trainer/Pilates Instructor
Special Interests: Gardening, antique collector, boating, walking. Alternate address: P.O. 82, Port Clyde, ME 04855
Highlights Since 1962: Wonderful career in teaching elementary education 20 years - grades K-5; owned �Food For Thought� care package business for 13 years; personal training for the last 10 years: �In-Home-Advantage� � owned and operated by J. DeMado; member and associate of Literacy Volunteers of America in Naples, FL
Memories: Friday night bon fires; excellent faculty members; social lunches in our new cafeteria; Volleyball team; plays with Charlie Gauntt, parties with friends; Dave�s Model-A