Martha (Marty) Sekerak

Address: 8 Edith Grove Road
Harwich, MA 02645
Maiden Name: Peavy
Phone: 508-430-2288
Alt Phone:
Spouse's Name: Mike
Children: 2 boys
Grandchildren: 2 boys
Occupation: Retired – IBM Manager
Special Interests: Bridge, reading, dogs, walking, crafts, volunteer activities
Highlights Since 1962: - Graduated from University CA with BA Math
- Career at IBM as programmer and manager
- Married, 2 grown sons – both engineers,
2 - grandchildren (3 & 5 years)
- Traveled extensively both for business and pleasure
- Took early retirement and built home on Cape Cod
- We escape winter blues to condo on Maui, Hawaii
Memories: - Excellent teachers (Mr. Pietrowicz, Mr. Young, Mr. Paglieri)
- Good friends
- Twirling at football games
- Having to really hustle between classes